Friday, March 9, 2012

Healer of the Broken

Good morning, girlfriends!  I had no intentions of blogging this morning, but God threw some encouragement in my lap so I have to share it.  It was a super rough morning for me.  Life, although full of its' blessings, I know, is also full of its' struggles too.  The thoughts running through my head this morning went something like this:  "I'm tired of having a kid with ADHD.  I'm tired of feeling disrespected.  I feel like I am every body's slave. My marriage is hurting.  Why can't I find words to encourage my husband? Why does it seem like it is one project after another in my family?  I have got to make some changes!!  I don't know where to begin.  My heart is so heavy.  My thoughts are so jumbled."

Any of those sound familiar?  I hope some of them ring true to someone out there, otherwise I really am going crazy!! (LOL)  I sat down at the computer to start typing some of my thoughts since they were coming too quickly to simply write on paper.  The "Internet" button was calling out my name.  I tried to resist.  I knew I needed to get my thoughts out and spend some time with God before I checked my email or got on Facebook.  But, I was too weak.  Or was I?  I know now that it was that still small voice inside my head (the Holy Spirit) wanting me to check Facebook, because that was where God gave me the following verse and song. 

  • Psalm 147:3:  "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."
Listen to the following song, "Healer of the Broken" by Gwen Miller.

Father, please heal OUR broken hearts and bind up OUR wounds today!  Until next time, hang in there and hold on to Jesus!

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