Hey friends! How has your week been? Hopefully it has been better than mine. Mine has been a week filled with frustration, anxiety, feelings of being overwhelmed, of hopelessness, of brokenness. I have spoken the words, "I am tired. I am weary, God. Please give me strength" many times this week. Have you tried praying these words since my last blog post?
I sat down this morning with the intentions of blogging about God hiding us in His wings. My thoughts were somewhat together about what I wanted to write. I had a song ready to go to post for you. But God had other plans for you and me this morning. I actually had time to sit and do a devotion and spend some time praying. My prayer began almost the same as this blog post. Telling God I was broken, overwhelmed, frustrated and then praying for my husband, and my children one by one. Don't go being all impressed. This was only about 15, maybe 20 minutes. I opened my laptop to begin my blog post. As my Gmail account popped up I noticed I had a new email from a friend who means more to me than she probably knows. She is one of the women God placed in my life when we first moved to Lincoln almost 5 years ago. I don't get to spend a lot of time with her, but she is someone I know I can call or email if I need something. Her email contained a link to a video by Kari Jobe. I clicked, listened, and knew it was what God wanted me to post on my blog today. It was just what I needed to hear. So thank you, dear friend, for allowing God to work through you today.
The song is called "Find You on My Knees." I hope that God will speak to you through the song as He did to me. I've posted two links. The first link is the song with the lyrics. The second link is the acoustic video. I would suggest watching the link with the words first and then watch the video of Kari and her band. Be prepared to be blessed!
Until next time - hold on to God and hang in there! Jennifer
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