Monday, December 12, 2011

My Tinsel is in a Tangle

I am swamped with things to do today but am determined to blog because it has been an anxiety ridden morning.  My tinsel is in a tangle!!  It has definitely been a "little peach pill" morning as I had an anxiety attack while getting ready for the day.  Thinking of all I have to do this week completely overwhelmed me.  (By the way, I have to thank my dear friend, who know who you are, for coining the phrase "little peach pill."  You are such a blessing in my life and I love you!)

My tinsel = my circumstances.  Tangled = my anxiety.  If you read my previous blog post, you know my current "tinsel."  I have handled the situation quite well.  This is only the second day in a week I have become overwhelmed.  But when I think that this is my last full week before school is out for Christmas I get a little freaked out.  Almost everyday this week will be taken hostage by my "tinsel."  Appointments to go to each day, issues to be taken care of, the list goes on and on.  It amazes me how hard it is to find help for someone who really needs it.  All I can do is pray and do whatever I can to help.  Please know, Christian women, that at this point in my life, I do not consider my prayer life fervent.  Most days, I just pray that God will give me strength to get through the day to handle whatever comes my way.  Will I get back to a more fervent prayer life?  I hope so!  But I know God understands that my tinsel is tangled in a major way right now.  Only he can untangle it.  If I try on my own strength to untangle it, well, it just won't happen.  And believe me, I've tried that many a time.  Haven't you?

So, when your tinsel get tangled this season, remember this verse from Psalm 16:8.  It is the verse I will be repeating to myself today.  Not from memory, girls.  Sticky notes are my new best friend!  David says, "I keep my eyes always on the Lord.  With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken."

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